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April 26, 2020 1:03 PM
国外Reddit有人对黑之契约者流行双子的结局做了全面解释:[url]https://www.reddit.com/r/anime/comments/2h37nx/a_comprehensive_explanation_of_darker_than_black/[/url] [quote] [b]A Comprehensive Explanation of Darker Than Black 2's Ending (obvious spoilers)[/b] I know this isn't exactly the newest series, but I just finished it and I was stumped for awhile. I looked around and others seemed to be as well, so I thought I'd write this up to give people some closure (maybe even for those who watched it years ago). After reading up as much as I could on what others thought about the implications in the ending, watching it twice, and doing a ton of thinking, I've put together explanations of quite a few things. It's long, but I was searching for a comprehensive explanation and couldn't find one, so I decided to write one. For reasons unexplained, Yin is melded with Izanami (perhaps in the form of her observer spirit) Likewise, Shion is melded with Izanagi (yellow spirit seen in OVAs) When Izanami and Izanagi meet, something alien will emerge It's assumed this alien being will bring destruction and death to Earth (which is true, as seen from the last parts of the ending) The reason Yin tells Hei to kill her is to spare Earth from this being Izanami is a destroyer (sucking out people's souls) and Izanagi is a creator (cloning people) Izanami's ability is the transfer of memories, similar to the ME device Izanami and Izanagi wanted to be united, but Shion wanted something out of it as well (the creation of an alternate Earth) Therefore he struck a deal with Izanami and Yin, Yin's part of the deal being with Hei forever. It's a four-way deal. Izanagi and Izanami want to be united, Shion wants to make another Earth, and Yin wants to be with Hei. Yin and Izanami captured souls for samples (referenced by Izanagi in the OVA) of whether the memory transfer for all the cloned Earthlings would work as their side of the deal Shion/Izanagi led Hei to Yin as their side of the deal Madame's supercomputers collected all of Earth's inhabitants' memories, and Izanami transferred the memories to all the cloned Earthlings on the alternate Earth created by Shion/Izanagi Hei did not kill Yin. He was given his powers back by Yin and used them to separate Yin and Izanami The flash of light you see when Hei is touching Yin is reminiscent of the prior times that Hei/Bai used the same power. If he really killed Yin, he could have done it with simple electricity. The whole point of killing Yin is to take Izanami down with her, to prevent the rise of the alien. But guess who we see in the end? The "male Yin" is the prophesied "destroyer of worlds" as seen from him killing John Smith & Co. Since Yion (nickname for male Yin) clearly exists now, that means Izanami did not die. Near the end, Yin says "It's not too late" which means if Hei had killed her then, Yion wouldn't have risen. Therefore, since Yion did appear, killing Yin would be pointless (see 15). Hei chose to let Izanami live/Yion rise in order to have Yin. The body Hei is carrying is clearly the one that was in the chamber. They said it was an empty shell, but after the split of Izanami/Yin, her soul would return to her body. She's just unconscious. If you consider all this, it actually bears a remarkably strong similarity to the ending of season one. In season one, Hei is given the choice to eliminate all contractors (which would probably make the world a better place but cause him to lose his friends and most importantly, Yin). We see from the OVAs that Hei clearly loved Yin even before Gemini. At the time of season one's ending, choosing to save the contractors would have really only kept Bai within him and saved Yin (we assumed Mao was dead, since Hei saw him in Goldenland) and Hei didn't have much of anyone else he cared about (who was a contractor). He knows that if he chooses to kill all the contractors, the world will be better off. However, he does not want to lose Yin (the only person he would've lost in reality). Thus he makes his third choice and we all know what happens. In the ending of Gemini, once again Hei is given the choice to save humanity or Yin. That's really what it boils down to. Yion's existence will surely cause great devastation and may even bring about the end of the world. Hei can kill Yin to prevent this from happening, but in the end, he chooses to save Yin instead. There is no third option this time. Thus, at the endings of both seasons, it simply comes down to Hei having to make a decision to save Earth or save his beloved Yin. There's something to be said about the irony in which a series about contractors (heavily emphasized to be emotionless and logical) boils down to a decision to save someone he loves over the entire Earth. This decision is entirely based on emotion: pure love for Yin. There's nothing logical about it - possibly dooming the world in exchange for the life of the person you love? It's a rather poetic ending, and a happy one for the MCs. Suou and July get to live the normal life they deserve, Hei and Yin are together forever (and will be able to survive better than your ordinary human), and Kirigaya and Mao survive to most likely join the fight against Yion. Notice how I said it's a happy ending for the MCs? Yeah, most normal humans are probably screwed. Thanks for reading this all the way through, if you did. It's a monster of a post, but I truly could not find anything that answered all the questions I had. I hope this can help some people who are struggling with the implications of the ending (or just looking to confirm the happy ending), and I'll also address any counterpoints presented. TLDR; Yin gave Hei his powers back. Hei uses the quantum manipulation powers to split Izanami from Yin. Yin's soul goes back to her body and she lives. In exchange, Yion's existence becomes reality, as prophesied. [/quote] 原谅偷懒,机翻过来大概是这样 [quote] [b]黑之契约者2结局全面的解释(显而易见的剧透)[/b] 我知道这并不是最新的系列,但我刚完成,就被困了一段时间。我环顾四周,其他人似乎也是如此,所以我想写这篇文章是为了给人们一些封闭感(甚至对于那些几年前看过它的人而言)。在尽可能多地阅读了其他人对结尾的含义的看法之后,仔细阅读了两次,并做了很多思考,我整理了许多事情的解释。很长,但是我正在寻找一个全面的解释,但找不到一个解释,所以我决定写一个。 由于无法解释的原因,Yin与Izanami融合在一起(也许是以她的观察者精神的形式) 同样,Shion与Izanagi(在OVA中看到的黄色烈酒)融合在一起 当Izanami和Izanagi相遇时,会出现一些外星人 假设这个外星人将给地球带来毁灭和死亡(这是事实,从结尾的最后部分可以看出) 尹告诉黑杀死她的原因是为了使地球免于这个存在 Izanami是一艘驱逐舰(驱逐人们的灵魂),Izanagi是一个创造者(克隆人) Izanami的能力是记忆的转移,类似于ME设备 Izanami和Izanagi希望团结,但Shion也希望从中团结(创造替代地球) 因此,他与Izanami和Yin达成了交易,Yin的交易部分永远与Hei达成。这是一个四方协议。Izanagi和Izanami希望团结,Shion希望创造另一个地球,Yin希望与Hei在一起。 Yin和Izanami抓住了灵魂,以获取样本(所有克隆的Earths的内存转移是否将作为他们的交易方)(由Izanagi在OVA中引用) Shion / Izanagi带领Hei到Yin担任交易的一方 夫人的超级计算机收集了地球上所有居民的记忆,然后Izanami将这些记忆转移到Shion / Izanagi创建的备用地球上所有克隆的地球人 黑没有杀死尹。尹将他的力量归还给他,并用它们来分开尹和伊扎南 当He触摸Yin时,您看到的闪光让人想起Hei / Bai使用相同功率的时间。如果他真的杀死了尹,他可以用简单的电就可以做到。 杀死尹的全部目的是要把伊萨娜米带走,以防止外星人的崛起。但是猜猜我们到底看到了谁? 从他杀死约翰·史密斯(John Smith&Co.)的角度来看,“男性阴”是预言中的“世界毁灭者”。 由于Yion(男性尹的昵称)现在已经明确存在,所以这意味着Izanami并未死。接近尾声,尹说“还为时不晚”,这意味着,如果Hei杀死了她,Yion就不会复活。 因此,既然Yion确实出现了,那么杀死尹就毫无意义了(见15)。 Hei选择让Izanami居住/ Yion升起,以拥有Yin。 Hei携带的尸体显然是在房间里的尸体。他们说这是一个空壳,但在Izanami / Yin分裂后,她的灵魂将重回她的身体。她只是不省人事。 如果考虑到所有这些因素,它实际上与第一季末有着非常强的相似性。在第1季中,Hei可以选择消除所有承包商(这可能会使世界变得更美好,但会让他失去朋友,最重要的是,Yin)。从OVA可以看出,Hei甚至在双子座之前就已明确爱过尹。在本赛季结束之时,选择挽救承包商实际上只会将白留在他体内,并挽救尹(我们假设毛死了,因为黑在黑地见到他,因为黑没有死),黑没有他要照顾的人关于(谁是承包商)。他知道,如果他选择杀死所有承包商,世界将会变得更好。但是,他不想失去尹(他是现实中唯一会失去的人)。因此,他做出了第三选择,我们都知道会发生什么。在双子座的结局中,Hei再次获得了拯救人类或贤的选择。这就是归根结底。永安的存在必将造成巨大的破坏,甚至可能导致世界灭亡。Hei可以杀死Yin以防止这种情况的发生,但最终,他选择了拯救Yin。这次没有第三种选择。因此,在两个季节的末期,这完全取决于Hei必须决定拯救地球或拯救他心爱的Yin。具有讽刺意味的是,关于承包商的一系列文章(被强调强调毫无感情和逻辑)可以归结为拯救他所爱的人在整个地球上的决定。这个决定完全基于情感:对阴的纯洁的爱。那里' 这是没有逻辑的-可能会注定世界以换取您所爱的人的生命吗?这是一个颇具诗意的结局,对MC来说是一个快乐的结局。Suou和July可以过上应有的正常生活,Hei和Yin永远在一起(并且将能够比您的普通人类更好地生存),而Kirigaya和Mao得以生存,很可能加入了与Yion的战斗。请注意,我怎么说这对MC来说是个幸福的结局?是的,大多数正常人都可能被搞砸了。Kirigaya和Mao幸存下来很可能加入了与Yion的战斗。请注意,我怎么说这对MC来说是个幸福的结局?是的,大多数正常人都可能被搞砸了。Kirigaya和Mao幸存下来很可能加入了与Yion的战斗。请注意,我怎么说这对MC来说是个幸福的结局?是的,大多数正常人都可能被搞砸了。 如果您已阅读,请感谢您一直阅读。这是一个职位的庞然大物,但我确实找不到任何能回答我所有问题的东西。我希望这可以帮助一些在结局方面挣扎的人(或者只是希望确认结局令人满意的人),并且我还将解决提出的任何对策。 TLDR ; 尹把黑的力量还给了黑。Hei使用量子操纵能力将Izanami与Yin分开。尹的灵魂回到了她的身体,她得以生存。作为交换,正如所预言的,Yion的存在变成了现实。 [/quote]
April 27, 2020 9:25 AM